February 2018
I was thinking that even if it is the month of February we are still free to say Happy New Year to you and your family. It is hard to believe it but we still have not put away our Christmas decorations. However, let me share with you two wonderful ministries we were involved in last month.
Free at Last in Houston, Texas (Jan 10-14) Our delightful godson Andrew Martin and his wife Rachel invited me and a fellow pastor and former disciple named Mark Campbell from Neighborhood Church in Castro Valley, Ca. to share the topic of Discipleship at their church called Sojourn Heights. Andrew is a businessman but works with the church as the Administrator several hours each week. We used as our foundation the words of Jesus to His disciples which some call “The Great Commission: “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all I have commanded you and lo I am with you always even to the end of the age.” Matt. 28:16-20Andrew wanted us to share our stories about those men and women we had the privilege to disciple over the years. We met with his elders, followed by the staff and then with the new and first group of his disciples as well as with their wives during our 4 day visit. Both Mark and I loved being with Andrew and Rachel and their newborn baby girl named Eden, as well as the many fine Christians attending their church and their desire to grow in their relationship with Jesus.

Free at Last in Aptos, Ca. (Jan 20) Pastor Mark Campbell invited me to share with a group of some 23 men in a retreat about the value and importance of understanding “The Great Commission” was and still is addressed to all the members of the His Church. The 23 men were discipled by Mark and his staff and were making plans to have those men start seven new disciple groups in February with 53 men who have already signed up to be discipled. An awesome experience!
Thank you once again for your prayers and support as we head into our 18th year. We would appreciate your prayers for new doors of ministry to open in this new year. Blessings and please keep in touch.
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