April 2019

     I am sure you are rejoicing that Spring and Summer are on their way to delight our lives with the hope that it will be the end of a season which my High School English teacher called “a dark and stormy night”. Our recent dark night here in California included horrible fires, which burned down the entire city named Paradise, followed by rock slides, heavy rains and snow storms which in turn is currently filling our lakes and reservoirs but at the same time causing so many recent floods here and across our nation. The good news is that in the midst of these “dark and stormy nights” many folks are turning to the Lord Jesus in the midst of their spiritual, mental, financial and physical bankruptcy. And the other good news is that the many members of the Body of Christ are being used of our Lord to help those who are hurting so badly at this time.

     The above paragraph made me think of the many years Ed Woodhall and I have been discipling folks according to Matthew 28:18-20 when Jesus said to His disciples just before He returned to heaven “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,teaching them to observe all all that that I commanded you and lo I AM with you always, even to the end of the age. It was and still is where so many of our disciples moved into the many “dark and stormy nights “ to help those in need and then by their lives and words shared the Good News of Jesus Christ.
